Google Apps

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Google Apps

Businesses of all sizes and functions use Google Apps to take advantage of Gmail storage, mobile email access and security. Companies can customize Google Apps to fit their business regards and tailor the interface to their own look and feel. 


Controls for securing your devices and data

Security is a major concern when it comes to email services, including Google Apps for small or large business ,HADAFSOLUTIONS definitely can manage your mobile devices, email addresses, security settings and more from the Google Admin console.Retain all your company data safe, centralised and protected from disasters such as missing hardware or employee turnover. Your business, your rules.

More productive meetings

Schedule events in Calendar at times that work for everyone. Get meeting reminders immediately to your Gmail inbox. With one click, join a video meeting through Hangouts and share your Slides to demo as a team. Less prep, fewer next steps.

Enjoy a consistent experience from your computer, tablet or phone. Draft a proposal in Docs at the office, review it on the train, then make final edits from your phone just before the meeting. Get more from your working day.

Teamwork that works

Create a budget tracker in Sheets, share it with team members and edit it in real time. It’s automatically stored in Drive, so everyone always has the latest version. No more sending attachments to be on the same page.



